

Video games are my passion. Valve's games, especially. I used to host The Secret Shop Podcast for their TCG, Artifact. Currently way into Deadlock!

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Cooped up? Wing it? Venge‘s sister, Imperia, confirmed for next hero. You heard it here first!

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Don’t worry, they all made it in time for the book club!

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God, I hate how many fighting game stories of female characters boil down to "I just need to do this and then I can finally meet a man and settle down". Ibuki's whole story in SF4 was also sneaking off to meet boys. And then there is Laura getting kidnapped for fetish bait.

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Let the memes begin! Also, it is a small thing but 's delivery on "cheers" is amazing. There is a thousand ways to read that line and he somehow chose the best one! How do you bring that much into one word, I can't even copy it. My VA dreams are in tatters. Cheers!

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Invoker's lines hint at the fact that the character we see may not be the true goddess of the moon. Is there a difference between Mene and Selemene? Should we take Luna's classic line "For the Dark Moon" more literal? Is there a THIRD moon? A dark reflection and its goddess?

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In adaptations like these, I absolutely love it when game-abilities are translated in a way that makes them look badass! In this scene alone we see Illusions being applied and Miriana's Starfall! Adore the screenshake effect when she fires towards the moon!

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already mentioned in the recent that it is Miriana's duty to protect the Lotuses of Mene and they got stolen. And they can be used to summon "the true goddess" herself! Question is, why would Invoker do this?

is invoking goosebumps!

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I am always amazed at the talent out there. Just a couple teasers and there are already people making of Davion as he appears on

Credit to and hafizshaikh on Instagram

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