

A guy who loves DB. A SDBH fan. Post/Repost mostly about #SDBH (possibly #DBSDV too), & sometimes other DB series. Thanks to all the Heroes!

フォロー数:78 フォロワー数:1356

It looks like we will probably have two different Fused warriors in the battlefield, CC Vegito & Gogeta: Xeno together!👀

Are we able to see them against Dark King Demigra in UGM8?🤔 https://t.co/o0bZfITme5

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And also, SSG Shallot is coming to SDBH! (Not for the SDBH Main Story)

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Have some of you guys noticed that Gogeta: Xeno (Limit Breaker) from the Manga version is a bit different than the promo art and other versions?🧐🤔
His hair looks similar except that he keeps his normal SS4 hair but not SS2 style.

Could it be Nagayama prefers that style?

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I saw the recent DB Legends Story part 14, Book 1.

Wow, Zahha has really become that much of a threat with the Omnificence Crystal!🔥

I'm starting to like Zahha as a Main Antagonist in Legends.

Zahha with the Omnificence Crystal (Edited by me btw).

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In case you haven't noticed, that technique/ability was used before in Dark King Arc Climax!🧐

When SSG Trunk: Xeno used the Keysword (Full Charge) to weaken and seal Dark King Mechikabura.

Later on, we see Aeos used the same thing against Dark King Demigra by herself.

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All "Evil Beings" (and Cell) summoned and powered up by Dark King Demigra in the Anime version. 1/2

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On the next UGM7:

It seems that it will focus not only the battle of Selection Realm, we will be focusing on the 4 Areas of the Tournament.

Let's see how UGM7 story goes on these 3 versions: Arcade (in March), Manga (March 3) and the Promo Anime (February 12).

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I like the details that Omega Shenron: Xeno in his "Transcended Demon God" design looks similar to Dark Shenron.

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Very Good Episode.

For the next UGM7 Chapter, seems like will be focusing on Area: Planet Namek with the Namekian Warrior in Black, Piccolo and Gohan against the Demon Gods (with the Dark Factor's power).

Are we able to see Namekian Warrior in Black's origin?🤔

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