

D🅰️zn |

adventures of Superman when he was a boy
pre crisis Superman enjoyer


フォロー数:1544 フォロワー数:22728

They need their rogues galleries expanded and fleshed out in my opinion

75 992

I find it fascinating how radically different each version of the crime syndicate are, it's actually pretty fun to get soo many different takes and ideas on a pretty simple concept

56 901

The best Flash Villain returns

15 285

A shame their first movies seem like they're being taken over by other characters

131 2599

Every new 52 series that lasted 52 issues, and the cover for Issue 1 and the issue 52 varient that homaged

Also how many creative teams each series had

Action comics

Grant Morrison
Andy Diggle
Scott Lobdell
Greg Pak
Peter Tomasi

107 1520

Little did they know both their dead partners would come back to life within a few months of eachother

Both would also get very annoying fanbases

93 1223

Victoria Alonso’s attorney says the exec was silenced by Disney & fired after refusing to “do something she believed was reprehensible.”

“Those fuckers wanted to put Paul in Spider-Man 4”

41 594

I think it's Odd how many Green Lantern "fans" are only interested in one of them and put down all the others. They're all great characters and to me the whole appeal of the franchise is that they're all Green Lantern

66 683

Ed Benes needs to be locked up in horny jail

128 2725

Banger roster I can't lie

60 1112