

Creator of the SPACEMONKEYS, the most destructive force in the universe

フォロー数:5436 フォロワー数:21416

Oh man.. I fucked up.. as usual😂 did all the animations.. and I’m horribly embarrassed I didn’t know and didn’t give her proper credit🙏🙏🙏🤘🙏🤘

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This community is so much fun!! and have been knocking out these amazing spacemonkeymojis all day over on discord. has organized the server to perfection🙏🙏🤘🤘🤘lots of love to them all.check pinned tweet and come join to play

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Happy Friday the 13th🤘 just about finished with this piece

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Got the basic set up here.. feeling good.. time to go in and work it over! Looks like he got into my paint..

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Here you go fully colored denzuuldalek for you 🤘🤘

2 21

Thank you 🤘🤘 much appreciated!!

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In all the insanity this poor guy got lost in the shuffle! Still some editions left https://t.co/NitficjkqF i’m henxausted!!So to quote I’m gonna take a minting break for a bit🤘🙏🤘

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4 winners of the https://t.co/NitficjkqF retweet giveaway are thank you to all who supported and retweeted… we’ll do this again sometime soon

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