

フォロー数:24 フォロワー数:62

Hi I'm Playmaker! First off, love your vegeta voice,
Also, I made a few years back this concept,
Marco diaz from the show Star vs. The forces of Evil, As Spiderman!
What do you think?

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You've become your own worst enemy🤣

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I made Toffee into Vlad Plasmius!!

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Not exactly, Just a lot of copying pasting and coloring around....8ve made tons of these for my YouTube channel, I make a fan series where marco is married to star, has Luna, Marco is spider man, and Luna inherited his powers!

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hi, I'm Danny, I am a huge fan of Svtfoe! I've made tons of fan content on my YouTube channel where Marco is Spiderman! What do you think?

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Hi, first off just wanted to say LOVED your work on spectacular spiderman!, it inspired me to make spiderman art from my second favorite show Also, as much as even I know its unlikely the show would come back, I still say a chance is worth it,ratings would skyrocket

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