

🔞nsfw art alert

The man who sleeps with a machete is a fool every night, but one.

フォロー数:1248 フォロワー数:567

Little Busters! - Rin Route 1 (Reread)

It's barely half a route so not much to say lol
Rin and Riki are cute together just kinda wished everyone else outside of the main 5 didn't just disappear

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Muv Luv Withdrawal is kicking in oh lord

Two besties doing bestie things😔

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Muv-Luv Alternative

Takeru's journey to be based. Even with its piles of exposition and sci-fi bs and *weird* moments, still an amazing ride from start to finish. Made very clever use of all of the tools it had at its disposal to make everything come together in the end.

2 8

Mfs knew what they were doing by putting best demon in a maid outfit

4 15

Muv-Luv Unlimited

Feels a bit like filler? I dunno how to feel about it just seems to be more setup which is kinda lame after Extra did that too, though it did pique my interest for Alternative

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Muv-Luv Extra

Overall an okay experience, it's the classic slice of life romcom plot that I'm all too familiar with, characters are fine, Takeru is boring and Mikoto should get a spinoff

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Muv-Luv Extra - Normal Endings 1 & 2

Ending 1 is the true ending of Extra.
Ending 2 is the cheating route :(

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Muv-Luv Extra - Meiya Ending

Why couldn't all routes end with a suicidal charge into a highly secured mansion while riding in a 60 meter long limousine? Meiya feels blatantly favoured but hey I don't mind

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Muv-Luv Extra - Kei Ending

Kei is awesome but this just wasn't my cup of tea, it's kinda like Miki cause it's short but the conflict isn't as simple so it's a bit more packed

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Muv-Luv Extra - Miki Ending

Pretty good, not a lot of drama and gets to the point quick. It's basically a mini route cause it's really short and you don't really see the relationship move a lot but that makes it more enjoyable in parts

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