

LAZY APE #LAO evolution has begun marketplace.lazyapeofficial.com/collections/0x…

フォロー数:4815 フォロワー数:25404

“Having been around since mint-out, listening n learning from true legends in our club from all walks of life. I’ve come to the realisation that it takes a village to be successful. I’ve found a home in layc n I’m happy to help out when n where I can” -

4 12

Happy international woman’s day to all strong queens of ❤️🔥💪🏻

12 25

I minted and was lucky to win this bad boy …. Finally super stoked to be part of your community ❤️❤️🔥🔥🙏🏻🙏🏻

15 45

From my experience more than 99% of new projects fizzle out after a while cause it takes a super strong community to grow. bn building since Aug 22 n continue to see new likeminded ppl joining every day❤️. Be wise invest in reliable communities building long term 📈

21 39

A new day a new headgear trait 🔥🔥🔥 bring the noice

9 25

Ok finally got a doc + it’s a Ty again for the smooth deal 🙏 let’s go we r on 🔥

9 31

Ty for the sweet deal on this with body 🤩 love this one let’s go guys great things ahead of us (cannot hv enuf OG in ur wallet !!) 🔥🔥🔥

6 18

My smile wen I see the sales of going thru the roof - what’s going on ? Find out n visit our twitter spaces 🔥🔥🔥

9 23