

DoDo | Germany | 25 | M | Luvs games n Anime |
Jus some nerddd weeb duuude who's too lazy and retweets stuff
Avatar by @KogiKogiKogi1
Banner by @Matrixdragonn

フォロー数:224 フォロワー数:248

there be so many big guys in here eheh @ *cough*

0 1

Let's get the numbers hiiigher!

0 1

Alright alright why not

0 8

May I have this dance?

4 9

I think it's a visual upgrade... maybe!

0 8

I have finished the Valentine Raffle thingies! (And am just a few days too late! Not too bad!)

Here are the single ones, that being

Congrats and thanks for participating ouo

3 10

Tougher than he looks alright <v<;

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