

フォロー数:522 フォロワー数:562

ok who told u had a right to steal my heart like that?
you’re so amazing skeppy (: you do way too much for us! please take some time for yourself. i hope you are doing that right now. i hope u have drank water and ate a nice hot meal. i love you so much.💓💓💓💓

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sorry, who gave you the right to be adorable again?

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hey i love ian so much if you see this, can you let him for me? 💘💘💘

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dumb persona otter man (:

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hey ;) skeppy ;) you should use my art as a thumbnail again ;) and do another video with the best admin ;) 💓💓💓

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mech zak haha he’s feeling blue 💎 forgive me for blinding ur eyes

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k I love you. thank you for being my friend even when you have to deal with my crackheaded self. I love you. Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done to me. I love you so much. 💓💓

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I loved the skyward video SO MUCH!!!! I want more content with mute eboy megu!!!! <3 you both have the funnest relationship. you are both good friends even if u don’t act like it! Also zak, I really love ur fake skin ;) it matches megus!

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wheolsome bird zak <3 love u to pieces angel!!! 💓💓💓💓💓💓💕💕🥰💕💞💘💞💞💘💘🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💞💘

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