

Mobile/Anime games youtuber! Maining Dragon Ball Sparking Zero!
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#dragonball #SparkingZero #dokkanbattle #SoloLevelingArise

フォロー数:727 フォロワー数:88790

Can’t wait for Goten and trunks to be 17 and 18 but still look like this in dragon ball super hero

67 1110

Rise n grind gamers

Let's have a good day, love y'all

89 1144

Ahhhhhh I REALLY HOPE we can get Giblettttt

82 1627

Ayyyye GOAL ACHIEVED! Thanks SO Much! See you all soon with live LR Vegito Blue summons! Maybe tonight! Stay tuned... 😉😉

32 742

Dokkan needs to stop playing and gimme a Hero Of Justice category, For real.

The newer saiyaman cards are too clean to ignore, i still love using this Great Saiyaman Kid Trunks and the new Gohan.

Not to mention it wouldnt only be Saiyaman cards.

24 726

Oh shit FINALLY they added a way to exchange for frags, most games have something like this!

16 296