

Aesthetic addict & dork of all trades.

-chaotic bisexual energy intensifies-

DJ mixes & music -

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really said "Wow, Tweets where I'm using homophobic & racial slurs without a care. Yeah, I'm cool with it. I'll play victim rather than change my incel behavior."

No wonder you live in your parents basement & lost a legal case against some other loser. Clown...

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*Trigger warning ahead*

I stated earlier, that message was the mildest I got. This being right after it, many more on this level & even worse.

Imagine what the trans members of our community have been receiving in their inbox, on their page, & going through just for existing!!!

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Change of plans for tonight, I'll be going live after a late dinner in a few. However, we're gonna be finishing "Season: A letter to the future" tomorrow as has to work in the morning & I want them to be able to enjoy the game with us all.

We'll be live in 15✨

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A revamped version of our "cry" emote on the Twitch channel!

Emote available for use on my Twitch channel & Discord 🖤

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We also added a whole bunch of new sound alerts, stream avatars, stickers, & have a lot more coming!!

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I have found many times throughout my life that nothing helps to heal old wounds or loss but finding a way to move forward. Pushing forward has granted me renewed strength, but also many encounters on the path. Some encounters becoming the most important people gifted to my life.

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