

Commissions are Open,

フォロー数:1637 フォロワー数:993

Poll winner from Patreon's last month poll

3 20

Patreon rewards from July

2 7

Alice is enjoy some relaxing time at the beach, but has been getting a bit gassy now

wonder what will happen now?

More Tweets she starts expanding

More Likes she starts having stomach issues

6 9

A fusion between two thicc waifus and becoming the ultimate thicc summer waifu :3

7 22

Alice wins the contest with no problems and is rewarded a neat trophy :3

More Tweets she goes for a walk to help digest the melons

more Likes she goes down to the beach to sit and relax

2 24

Commission for musicspeedstar

8 23

Full pic on Patreon, Comes out next month

0 10

Alice goes to the beach and sees a billboard with some fun events

100 or less points- Alice Choses none of them

101-200 points-she enters the beauty contest

201 or more- she enters the watermelon eating contest

13 33

Commission for musicspeedstar

5 12

Summer Drive involving my lovely Maidbot Alice ^^

25 74