

Dende/デンデ/덴데、雑食成人腐 ☆ ドラマダ:蒼葉と暴露中心、全公式CP、紅蒼本命 ☆ ドラゴンボール♡59 ☆ FF15 ☆ BotW ☆ 同人誌とグッズコレ ☆ いい絵RT多め、猫の写真 ☆ 英語、日本語苦手(がんばります!!!)

フォロー数:1029 フォロワー数:246

Did you know that Cyna's book had a special collector's pack coming with actual cooking materials ?
( also thanks again for the sketch that will be my first decoration in my new room ❤️)

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🎄 I wish you a merry Christmas 🎄

This is last year's new year card.
I'm really sorry I couldn't send it to everyone as I planned orz

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