

Triple Adamantine and Triple Mithral Best-Selling DMs Guild Author.

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Dragonix's Deadly Denizens April "Good Dragons Gone Bad" Special Issue Art Preview This week's new dragon is the Abyssal Silver Dragon!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition (Update 3) Art Preview Here's the first preview for the next update, the Mud Golem!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition (Update 2) Art Preview Slithering into this week's first preview is probably one of MME II's finest (and terrifying) art pieces, the Blackspawn Crawler!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview I'm starting this week's previews with a set of NPCs - the Dirgesinger, the Cultist of Asmodeus, and the Dark Soul Sorceress!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Rounding up fiend week with the aspects of the two most powerful archdevils in the multiverse - the omnipotent Asmodeus and cunning Mephistopheles!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview It's Fiends Galore! This week I'm showcasing the Passion Devil, the Nuckelavee, the Shoosuva Pack Lord, and the Draegloth War Caster!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview It's the Day of the Tentacles! This preview features the Ulitharid Supreme, Ancient Morkoth, and Deep Scion Assassin!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Looks like it's a week full of Aspects! This week's last preview showcases the Aspect of Graz'zt, in his more 'charming' form, and the terrifying Aspect of Lolth!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview I got something special today! Rampaging into this week's last preview is the three-armed giant from the classic Master Set, last seen in 3e MM: the Athach!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Some nasty critters to open up this week's set of previews: the Bone Golem, Wendigo, Greater Vargouille, and Greater Deathlock!

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