

Apologies Mr. Musk, but I am not paying 8 per month to become a verified user - I post art and retweet memes. Tag me, tweet at me, and I’ll respond :)

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Hey! I'm Darmonte/Eli! The 2 names might be confusing but that's cause I'm in the process of changing online names everywhere so yeah :) Here are some art samples:

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Illustration for the Keith mini Bang event on tumblr.
- Eli B.

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My other piece I did for the Lance flash bang~
- Eli B.

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My submission for the lance flash bang on tumblr. I will always find an excuse to draw one of my fav vld boys. -Eli B.

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*Shows up 9 days late with Starbucks.* SuP kIdS iT yA bOi ElLi TrYnA MaKe A bIrThDaY AnNoUnCeMeNt To My PaL

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Decided to spice some things up with a little and . Here’s ready to slay the main villain and claim her victory. -Eli

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I made there for the Pidge Big Bang Event. Here's an icon of Pidge and a banner with the green lion.
- Eli B.

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