

actual penguin

フォロー数:3047 フォロワー数:3895

roots somehow. It's because it's through these roots and the people of our past and the people who've sacrificed themselves that we can persist and move forward at all. And from its roots in extra, to its trunk in unlimited, and its many branches in alternative,

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Muv Luv Alternative 🌟

The climactic apotheosis of everything muv luv which came before. Muv Luv Alternative is humanity's outcry and declaration that we will stand and fight for whom we love. It's a harrowing experience that will make you a changed person by the end.

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i got 3 of my friends umineko

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fighting on the field.

i haven't felt this strongly about an arc in so long (and it seems like shogun arcs really tend to stay winning)

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what a RIDE man. this was an emotionally and psychologically captivating rollercoaster that i couldn't stop. everyone in it got so shine as a character even in one of humanity's most tragic moments. rarely have i seen political ideals, struggles, and perspectives

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Muv Luv Alternative is ALREADY SO GOOD MAN

i haven't been this hyper engaged with any piece of fiction in a while. usually when i have reading goals for a day, I stop there, but this time i went 200% over the limit. Ik itll keep getting even crazier so i will refrain from

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alpha appreciation post

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