

Sheep boi who draws memes and comics | 21 | 🔞 | Telegram @DaSoupGuy | Discord SoupBoi#3621 | Banner by @Izzy_the_Proto | Commissions: closed for a bit

フォロー数:172 フォロワー数:1379

I get that it's already August 9th for the majority of the world by now, but where I am it's still technically

I wish I got more notice for such a special occasion. I would have finished and posted this earlier if I didn't already make plans on this sacred day 🙌

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Most people don't know what HOT is

6 25

Talk about being thirsty 💦💦👀

6 45

I wouldn't mind getting caught in this bear trap

5 39

I just recently watched "The Fly", would have loved if the movie chose to go down this path

19 86

I'm drawing a comic today, hope I can finish it today as well. For the time being, here's a buff bunny :3

0 6

This guy is like all I've been drawing recently, but he has no name and I'm awful at naming things. I was thinking Fuff, or Flip, Fizz, something starting with "F" not necessarily 4 letters

0 5

It's not just me who does this, right?

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