

フォロー数:1411 フォロワー数:7032

I'm the tiger, but I usually don't go anywhere without my lion❤️🦁

26 160

So every month I do a digital pic for , I generally don't share them though...

I feel this was sharp enough though to merit posting, plus it helps ensure people I can finish stuff while Ive got like 100 incomplete things in the works.

172 825

Kinda going a bit 🥜s with this as my fursonas actually REALLY sorted.

Initially, I had a wolf/dragonwolf hybrid-none of which have decent enuf art that will see the light of day

Online, an ape, then an orc, then a bull, then a tiger, then a tiger who can turn himself into a 🦍

6 51

‘Haw, haw, i'm garn pulverize ya so Sorry and Sad ya won't even remember who ya 're!'
-Big Daddy

The Brutish Boxing (One sided) Battle continues, as Boz unwittingly finds himself Big Daddys punching bag for pilfering his spare gear.

100 463

I gotta do something else like this along these lines at some point...oh but thanks for hosting this!

2 30

'Oi, Wot yer doin' wearin' me extra tunks? Ya puny runt, even yer ape form aint man enuff t’ wear my gear!'

Essentially when I dug up my ‘Big Daddy’ Boxing piece to finish it, all I could think about was ‘gee, I’d love to be his punching bag’

...So I just kinda went with that.

113 472

you've finally given me the opportunity I was looking for to compliment you on how much I ❤️ your Lydia avatar.

Hers and Beetlejuices relationship was probably one of my all time favorite dynamics in a cartoon...him unpredictably zany, yet thinking the world of her all the time.

2 6

'Dragaux: Now that we got Boz on a weight training program, yer next t' work off that holiday pudge.
Simba: Grr-I keep telling you; it's NOT 'pudge', it's off season bodybuilder weight!
D. S'what they all say.
S. Damnit! I Never had this trouble getting Boz Mario games for Xmas!'

218 1037

Not going to be as post crazy for this year, but I’d hate to entirely miss one of my favorite days of December…other than the big day itself…& the day preceding that day.

So here’s my guy from the previous year, I jus’ call ‘im Bulwarg

138 549

it's the last day of but the orcish fun isn't over!

If you haven't already, post a pic of your orc OC, and one lucky orc will get their handsome mug drawn with this lovable Zug lug right here.

Contest ends tomorrow, so don't spend to much time bashin' skullz!

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