


English / some Spanish

Speical interests: Undertale/UT AUs, FNAF, Villainous, Elder Scrolls, CEC, KOTOR/Star Wars, Nintendo DS, Sonic the Hedgehog, ECT.

フォロー数:188 フォロワー数:97

I have been watching fnaf sb and I really like Sun and Moon, so I drew a stand design that drew up in a more stylized manner,

my SO and I decided the stands power is to make imperfect copies of itself to maximize damage and overwhelm, like bad company I suppose.

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so ive been playing pokemon channel

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I think it looks alright, though i draw heads large n dramatic...

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A lewd funny i never got to take time to finish...

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I tried my best to get it accurate, but I drew your design. hope you don't mind :)

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heres one with a shine on the glasses

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a drew Eugene and put it into a ac QR maker

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A drew Vampire wolf oc thing, it was fun

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