

He/They // 40 // Round forest critter that draws other round animals for fun and profit // @Hystericempress's spouse // 🔞 for Kink Art! // Migrated to Bluesky!

フォロー数:562 フォロワー数:5366



You've heard of the Big Top; Ringmistress Renee more about showing off what the Big Everything looks like

Shaded commission for , who is an absolute blast to work with; think I picked up a few things about highlighting effects from their work!

149 671

Pulling off a modeling gig for high-end, plus-sized fashion requires high-end, plus-sized solutions if you're rail-thin like Gazelle used to be

Flats commission for , who requested I give Gazelle the size treatment I use for my own characters!

139 643

You know how some people say that blue's their color? They can't own it quite like she can

Shaded commissions for ! These two were incredibly fun to work on!

76 368

Ever unready is the adventurer who eats unknown forest berries, few more so than the 'Aviator's Ally' of the Vaccinium Leviaricus, so named for their common use as a hull wax and emergency fuel for airships; though flavorful, they oft prove far more filling than bargained for.

66 316

The trick to a proper shortstack design is to ensure they maintain the same mass as a tall person, you just squeeze it all down into a smaller space; the shorter the stack, the wider you go

Flats commission with some bonus shading for !

77 296

A little extra liquid weight never hurt anyone, except the people who might get flattened under it

Flats commission for Body. (with the period!) over FA-wards!

147 740

Why settle for the paltry hedonism a Rat Prince or a Rat Princess can get up to when you can combine the two and form a Rat King/Queen for double the avarice and gluttony?

Flats commission for , inspired by The Nutcracker! I adore how all three of these came out!

18 76



Whoops, I actually forgot I'd colored this one and never actually uploaded it

83 475