🐑 @ mind full of sir kay (and percival)さんのプロフィール画像

🐑 @ mind full of sir kay (and percival)さんのイラストまとめ

hey I'm daku (21+) and I really like sheep. I do art things. I like fate, SB69, yuumori, otome, and JRPGs! please don't use/trace/edit my art! thanks!

フォロー数:280 フォロワー数:168

I finally get to draw a character with eye liner

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january 2020 anatomy vs january 2021 anatomy... maybe I've improved a little (I've definitely improved)

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I don't have anything new for holmes's birthday so I'll bring back these instead

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bedi got all of the fashion sense in the family
grif just throws clothes on and lucan dresses for the job

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progress so far on lucan's costume art
it's ending up looking more like a dating sim cg than fgo card art

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lucan: [pats cookie] this horse can help me win so many jousting matches

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we do actually know how his horse looks but he never uses it in fgo

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this is the costume it's for but maybe I'll make it a little fancier

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