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Sekhmet is the Egyptian Deity associated with healing and also diseases. Just like the sun: she heals and gives energy. However, she can also be deadly and cause too many problems.

People would pray for her during the new year, so she would be calm and gentle.

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Cailleach roams free during Samhain in Ireland and Scotland. She is a crone with no patience for anything. She carries a huge hammer to destroy everything she sees.

It is said that she created many places, including Ceann na Caillí ('The Hag's Head').

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Isis and Osiris were lovers. Their brother Seth killed Osiris and hid his body, so he could become a new king. Isis started a quest looking for Osiris body to give him a proper funeral. When she finally found it, Seth stole the body and cut it into 14 pieces 👇

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Nyx is the primordial Goddess of the night. She is represented by the darkness of the night and the night sky. Even Zeus was afraid of her power. Although she had no temple of her own, a single statue of her was found in a temple dedicated to Artemis. 👇

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Sometimes Athena is described as a motherless Goddess. They say she was born from Zeus alone. However, this is an attempt to bring her closer to men and far from women. Zeus raped Metis, swallowed her and then Athena was born from his head.

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Odin had two Ravens, Huginn and Muninn, who would fly everywhere and bring information to him. That's how he knew everything which was happening!

Huginn and Munninn, two of the greatest gossipers ever!

Art: Odin by SirGrunt (DeviantArt)

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