

Everyone's Twitch Viking Gruncle! 🔞18+ PNGtuber 🔞
You're always welcome at my nerd shack!


My Throne:

フォロー数:577 フォロワー数:1205

Let The Next Wave of Gruncling's...Begin!

3 28

Picture yourself in my hand instead of Many. That's what's happening! The Gruncling begins again! lol

1 1

Saw an internet trend where you pick an animated character that you feel kindred to. For me it's Quasimodo from Hunchback Of Notre Dame. What do you all think?

1 6

A Hug for my fellow Viking

3 21

A Special Birthday Hug for Go and Wish Her The Best! And Congrats To Reaching A Thousand Followers On Twitch!

7 42