

The official twitter of Danganronpa!RejectedZer0!
{Creator- Rei(Reiji) He/Him}

フォロー数:73 フォロワー数:3015

Happy Pride where everything stays LGBTQIA+ all year around.

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Here's a messy sketch of what 26-year-old Kaizue Jin would look like had the killing game (and the tragedy) never happened. Look how he would have grown into... What do you think? Handsome? Somehow still intimidating? Still a mess? hahaha😊😅

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Prom Dress Reveal! Lion Morishima and Maddlyn Hanes.

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A fun production fact, originally Anya was requested to have hair shading like Komaeda, but truthfully, I was never good at coloring Komaeda's hair texture, so I decided to drop that from her design. This is the last time I want to ever redo her sprites.

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🎲DR✦VC🎲 Ehmerouge Creilite, the Ultimate Scholar splash art.

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Y'all probably already knew this, but if you didn't that's cool too. Sending good vibes to everyone!💜

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Ehmerouge Creilite (Ehmer) Splash wip. : P

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