𝙽𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚎 (𝙳𝚊𝚗𝙽𝚊𝚗) 🔎さんのプロフィール画像

𝙽𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚎 (𝙳𝚊𝚗𝙽𝚊𝚗) 🔎さんのイラストまとめ

| English | Español | 한글 |
| Male |
| Your local plant loving Starman, Nandieluxe. |
| I do not want your fan-art of my OCs, sorry, especially without asking. |

フォロー数:329 フォロワー数:736

Tabitha, a Core Person exiled at birth and tossed to the Demon Realm's wilderness to survive alone. After consumption of countless demons and their energy, her physiology evolves to better suit her huntress antics. She looks forward to teach the Kai a lesson for misjudging her.✌️

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This lad, Harukami, right here is the one who not only gave Tabitha a more stern and ominous look in two separate pieces, but also inspired me to redo her entire backstory with this art alone. Do consider supporting him! He is almost at that sweet 2k! Please and thank you! 😍👌 https://t.co/b1ozpjPsEq

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Intro quote: "Oooh! Are you another saiyan, hon? This should be fun! I will take your sparring offer!" -She says, bring her fists together-

Post battle quote: "Look at you, getting all fired up! You remind me a bit of my husband, he is a saiyan too."

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[ Vandal (OC BELONGS TO ) Appreciation Post ]
I have been scouring the community for the past couple of months and few OCs peak my curiosity the way Vandal does. I have seen quite a bit of what he is about and really like the concept Tai has for him. [1/2] (NOT MY ART)

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"Soju, Sake, Wine, Whiskey, Rum, Ale, Vodka, Mead, Beer, Soda, Juice. I have it all at Hunter's Cabin. Why not stop on by and my staff will treat you?" -She waves.- "Kai Kai." -Tabitha then disappears, leaving an eerie breeze in her departure.-

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Intro quote: "Are you another Time Patroller, hon? Please, why do you all want to fight so badly?" -Tabitha reluctantly takes a stance.-

Post battle quote: "That form of yours, it is a strange anomaly. You and I share kindred warring spirits. How about we share a glass instead?"

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Intro quote: -She draws her sword- "You have a side of you that you do not wish others to see as well, Zhara? Show it to me."

Post battle quote: -Sheathes her sword and her ominous look fades to a warm one.- "I have learned a lot from you. How about baking some chocolate cake?"

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