𝙽𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚎 (𝙳𝚊𝚗𝙽𝚊𝚗) 🔎さんのプロフィール画像

𝙽𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚎 (𝙳𝚊𝚗𝙽𝚊𝚗) 🔎さんのイラストまとめ

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| Your local plant loving Starman, Nandieluxe. |
| I do not want your fan-art of my OCs, sorry, especially without asking. |

フォロー数:329 フォロワー数:732

44) Cosmica hardly ever wears her Supreme Kai of Space uniform. She views it as ceremonial and professional despite its baggy and oversized cut. She will often wear other kinds of stylistic clothing that is more up to speed with her style. Such clothing usually involves shorts.

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34) Clio was a Dragon Clan chieftain of a tribe of vagrant Namekians who fled Namek and made their way to Cereal. At some point, he sacrificed himself to destroy his Shadow Dragon, Carstyrh. Cosmica shared one of her lives to resurrect him and he became her Space Kai Attendant.

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30) Although always Cosmica comes off as goofy and care free, she is often only feigning this behavior and anything but lazy. She is surprisingly competent at her job, unlike the more serious Gods. Her more stern, strong, and no nonsense demeanor can be seen in her true form.

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28) At the time, Cosmica was already figuring out a way to borrow power from a form she did not have access to yet. She would multiply her strength in correlation to how much Space Power she had access to from Laybal. Cosmica aptly named this technique, the "Supreme Kaio-Ken".

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27) During her apprenticeship with Laybal, Cosmica fled to King Kai's planet from conflict with Tabitha. In return for her former classmate's help, she aided King Kai in developing the Kaio-Ken technique, which is modeled after Cosmica's mystical strength multiplication method.

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25) Unlike her sisters, Cosmica is the only one whose eyebrows and eyelashes are always the same color as her hair. For some odd reason, other Psyons such as Tabitha, Gritz, and Nimune, have also been shown with this common trait alongside their ambidexterity.

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24) On Origyn

Cosmica's Origyn body is more so a plot based form rather than one she can just hop into at will. It was a concept Syngularity needed at the end of DB - Abyssal. The entire story built up to the moment Cosmica puts her faith in the being that guided her every step.

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23) Cosmica's cow lick is called, "Squiggly", as she named it that herself. After her composition into a single being from all version of herself, the cow lick seemingly developed a life of its own. It is somehow very foul mouthed and mean to both Cosmica and those around her.

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