

I'm a idiot who likes to draw, pronouns: he/him, i'm a wannabe (half parody), a sonic fan, and I'm black✌🏿

フォロー数:4433 フォロワー数:586

here's zero, and also here's a new oc I made, his name is shield the pangolin

3 11

Working on more parody sprites I made a running sprite with 3 different expressions, I'll do sprite's for combat stuff we I get the chance.

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I drew you, I also put in the gray cartoon like version with it.

4 14

Here's Suicune, also I'm working on a comic called the bento sushi spies, your going to be in it too Mugi.

5 25

This is amazing man!! Great job!!!

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This guy is racist, and an awful person in general for saying that about the post.

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