

Artist and Writer for @Onami_Comics
Halo, Dragon Ball, Godzilla, and plenty of OCs

I'm just goofin'

フォロー数:1112 フォロワー数:266

Alright lads. I'm Dan. I tend to draw robots and monster people but mostly I work on my webcomic "Knights of the Last Planet" where wizards punch each other and monsters at the end of the universe.

You can read it here if you'd like: https://t.co/SrErb3O6Gu

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So glad to finally see that last episode of One Piece animated. Nico Robin finally getting the justice she deserves.

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Thinking about how wacky it is that animals like hatzegopteryx and quetzalcoatlus were real. Nature gave prehistoric giraffes some wings for the funny.

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The dumb man in any dumb sweater

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Three in one for the first one but the Lee siblings are all adopted. They were impossible to separate so they came as a package deal.

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Wait why is the pokemon crocodile weak to water?

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Im seeing going around once again so you know what, if you wanna see wizards, monsters, aliens, and a lot of purple, here's the place

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