

Artist and Writer for @Onami_Comics
Halo, Dragon Ball, Godzilla, and plenty of OCs

I'm just goofin'

フォロー数:1121 フォロワー数:268

I think I've amassed enough pictures to start Dani-posting.

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And the only other bracket is dad vs goth

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Once again, my faves do battle.

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I'm Dan and I make a comic and art about wizards punching monsters and each other, also the occasional alien

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And lastly, the super soldier or the goth rabbit

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This one's gonna hurt me.

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I feel like every time I draw Kefla she looks different but the saiyan girls are so fun to doodle

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And lastly the "spoilers but I like them too much not to include them" bracket. Nightingale or Dani Salem

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The first set of teacher rounds featuring chapter 3's Rob and Winona.

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Alright first up the Lee siblings, Vlad and Darko

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