

Artist, illustrator and pixel placer - Loves pans, monster make up and video games.

フォロー数:787 フォロワー数:343

Can't sleep. Have another ❤️

0 7

My first Dragonmite 😂❤️

1 21

Just a lil quick bunny girl pic while I chill tonight and wait for my headache to go away. ❤️

0 4

Trying to e n v i r o n m e n t.
Probably will forget about this piece and never finish it so here's a wip.

I'm a super newb to semi-realistic environments and feel SOOOO uncomfortable attempting them. I never know where to START ;A;

0 6

Black cat bad juju or maneki-neko good luck?
You decide your fate.

Make a cute lil pic for my Creative.Havoc insta finally.

2 7

Still a newb at animation but thought this was pretty cute and a good start.

4 10

Our boy's feeling a bit better today ❤️😍

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