

Dani | 25 | I like to art | My non art twitt over @sayhidani

フォロー数:10 フォロワー数:7

Found a WIP I had left unfinished for way too long, and now I fell in love with my Reverse AU all over again. Ps. I might have used infamous jacket for Lotor's design, shhh

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Alternative version with golden tears

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I did a 'draw a character in your current outfit' or whatever it is, and Crowley was my victim. + a requested Aziraphale in moomin pajamas from

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Back on my bullshit, just with a new fandom

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Was listening to Troy Bakers music when this au jumped at me. backgrounds? dont know her

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my big and smol lesbeans

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when will my motivation to draw something not simplified returnn from the war

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