Daniel's Mapsさんのプロフィール画像

Daniel's Mapsさんのイラストまとめ

•Freelance Cartographer
•Check out my Patreon for countless maps for you RPGs: patreon.com/danielsmaps/

フォロー数:206 フォロワー数:3779

This map only needed geographical features and no settlements or labels. It was interesting to make just a geographical map and my imagination goes wild thinking what the people of this continent could be like.

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The mountains north of Araboatora are made up of deep ravines, sleep slopes and dangerous cliffs. In the dark depth of these ravines live creatures that no person in their right mind would want to meet.

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As long as anyone remembers, Knurds have sailed the rivers and fjords of Knurden on boats and ships. First these ships were capable of navigating rivers and fjords, later on they changes to the design allowed them to sail the open seas.

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The Village of Mannhal is built on the remains of a military outpost, a remnant of a conflict between the two clans of Garvann and Thalla.

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This maps was made for . It shows the land of Pothena.⁠

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Most visitors stick to the main streets of the city, which can be a confusing maze already. Still there are countless alleys and backstreets hidden behind the houses, shops and businesses.

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In 1135 AP the knight Tigor was granted the Kährlich estate by the Baron of Vallendal, making the man a lowly noble. Since then the House von Kährlich has lived there and been loyal to the Baron of Vallendal.

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Far to the north lie ancient temples dedicated to strange old spirits. They are dug out in the frozen ground with floors and walls made of thick sheets of ice. Frosty pillars carry a roof that reflects the light that shines from braziers with blue fire.

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The northern wastes are full of terrible creatures and monsters. They make their lairs in abandoned caverns, from which they dominate the nearby area. One of the most feared creatures in Knurden are the Yeti's.

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Fordzigge is a quiet town in northern Knurden, a frozen and desolate land of dark winters and ancient giants. In small communities the people try to make do and one of these communities is the village of Fordzigge.

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