
when you walkin

( is a hecker and can't be tagged in photos. what a nerd.)

gonna try and work on these a bit over a few days instead of all at once so i don't burn myself out; also working on ANOTHER thing that you'll see later if you like SCPs.

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Truly evil, or just misunderstood?

(I'm realizing that the absolute scale of this is going to be insane later. there's room for a lot of in-jokes though).

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days 13 and 14

I definitely nailed the "crust" that everyone associates with MS paint, and the shrooms are being fucking parasitized and killed.


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another thing. i guess it's a sentient "bloodclot with bone" or somethin

its today'
s inktober!

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The art, as promised.
Lore will be in a twitlonger following this tweet, since y'all seem to really like it

Thanks for allowing me a day to recharge and get back into the mood of doing these doodles for y'all!!!!

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Day 5: Build

In the nightmarish frozen waste of the future, humanity had to build with what little bits they could scavenge. With ice cold steel and wood frozen so deeply that it'll shatter, they built something that could vaguely be called "home."


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Day 1: Ring

"The Moonpearl ring is a powerful seabound artifact. The legends say that the wearer will be empowered to find an ancient treasure, located at the darkest, deepest depths of the sea..."
1/3 for this lore series

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...of course after saying that I immediately came up with an idea for a cool guy. I'm amazed that i did the texturing so well around his head, actually.

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