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Here’s the Eyeful Shower! As well as hundreds of paintings, I have composed plenty of music too for MoonAliens - https://t.co/v5qAbDersn
A painting I painted especially for me, as a birthday present... which I still have the original of... https://t.co/bIIMpUD60v
Thought it would be fun to add my own super red moon here today… https://t.co/bIIMpUD60v #superredmoon
One of many Arthur C Clarke book covers I illustrated. https://t.co/bIIMpUD60v
It’ll soon be Christmas in the moon too... yet some of the creatures there are not too sure what to make of it yet. https://t.co/PPdXZYL1pH
Painting I did for Arthur C Clarke’s novel “Expedition to Earth”. https://t.co/VlDaF1Qv4k
One of many paintings l did for the Bloodsword series of Fighting Fantasy books. https://t.co/L32vQDcaqm
Sad to hear of the passing of SF author Brian Aldiss. Here’s a painting I did inspired by his novel “Hothouse”.
Paradroid 90, Hewson Games. Older gamers may remember this game, circa 1990. https://t.co/eIVTt8Rz7C