Dan Wattersさんのプロフィール画像

Dan Wattersさんのイラストまとめ

Writes. Nightwing, Batman: Dark Patterns etc.

Gone from here.

Updates at thedeadairchannel.ghost.io.

フォロー数:1107 フォロワー数:8606

The Picture of Everything Else is a supernatural murder story set in Paris at the turn of the 20th Century. It's about how we fear epoch changes, and whether artists influence or merely reflect the world.

It's also a little bit about people exploding, sometimes.

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It's been so touching seeing people get excited for Home Sick Pilots since last week.

I have another comic launching on the 23rd. (A Victorian horror for Christmas!) THE PICTURE OF EVERYTHING ELSE, from w/ & .
I really hope you check it out.

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Hello! The Picture of Everything Else- , , and my turn of the Century horror- FOCs this coming Monday, & we've just announced this gorgeous incentive variant.

If you'd like one, I suspect you might want to talk to your comic store before Monday!

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TODAY: ' A DARK INTERLUDE 'Sharp' keeps feeling to me the best adjective for this book. It's dangerous, skewering, and rapier witty all at the same time. That still doesn't do it justice.

& are performing effortless dark arts here.

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Also now available: & 's Gig Poster variant- tickets and drink tickets are available at the door.

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Today is release day for both ' BLUE IN GREEN & ' GIGA I've seen first hand just how much work has gone into these books. It has paid off in spades.

Huge congrats to , , and teams. Two wonderful comics in your LCBS today.

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I am writing Superman/Wonder Woman for Future State. It is being drawn phenomenally by and colored by Jordie Bellaire.

I have had so very very much fun writing these titans in a clash with gods, and hope you'll come along for the ride.

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A DARK INTERLUDE is REALLY special. & raise the bar from FEARSCAPE, which is one hell of a bar. It's hysterical & terrifying often within the same sentence, & is (much to its own narrator's distaste) building out a genuinely fascinating fantasy realm.

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Really touched to see the response to Coffin Bound this week. Yes we tried to push the format with this issue, but IMO the entire reason to do that is to try and reach out and express something that's hard (if not impossible) to put into words.

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Hello! , & I are making a book! With !

THE PICTURE OF EVERYTHING ELSE, a horror from the dawn of the 20th Century, is coming December.


So excited to finally share this book with you. Just look at this gorgeousness:

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