

Documenting battles/units in Ukraine; Tracking vehicle losses for Oryx list + WarsSpotting, emphasis on vehicle ID/geo-location. Previous Syria + Nagorno-Kara.

フォロー数:628 フォロワー数:51434

235. Despite the destroyed UAF pontoon bridge in twt 234, recent FIRMS + sat suggests fighting continues in the forest west of Izyum. RU commentators note UAF small unit attacks, presence of UAF 14 Mech Bde, + expects a full crossing + attack from Chepil.

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155. RuAF control of Sulyhivka confirmed in 2 films released 25 April. Shows 4 BMP-2 at south of village approx 49.023628, 37.236056, likely of 488th Motor Rifle Regt, 144th Motor Rifle Div h/t . One film shows some🇺🇦KiA of 93rd Mechanised Bde. https://t.co/LpZcGEyGka

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14. Today RU MoD showed film of Kreminna. There's captured UAF T-62BV on the Krasna river bridge at 49.050624, 38.222722. Chechen tik tokers - who you probably already saw spent the day filming fake battles there - also claimed they captured it - unlikely. https://t.co/WeN5EWg8f3

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3/3 Also sometimes worn by UAF soldiers and much available in stores is something close to Rosgvardia multicam variant you mentioned. Once described to me as New Zealand camo, but I'm not sure if thats accurate. Like these made by Skif or SvaStone on a Ukraine store website.

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19. Krasnodar region - in link 2x command/control vehicles (on MZKT-7930) for 3K60 Bal coastal defence missile system. TEL + transloader are probably in 2nd part from different part of the day. Note pic 4 comparison is export model. https://t.co/h2hQWBx1ro

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5. New air war claims in AZ Border Guard film: after An-2 planes used to bait/activate AR air defence, Borderguard Harop LMs destroyed
4 repellant
8 S300
2 S125
5 2K11
8 9K33
Later 5x R-17 Scud-B.
If true we have more to find.
Film shows new hit on 1S91 SURN radar.

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443. Lastly, the recent AZ Border Service film https://t.co/xEKLi6lovQ shows an interesting scene of an Azeri border guards BTR-70 № 6799 damaged in a mine blast, with at least two WIA rescued.
All other vehicles in film eg: 2x Azeri MAZ and a NKR BMP-1 are already recorded.

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442. The film also shows
1+2 a captured NKR BMP-1 too unclear to tell if already recorded.
Pic 3 new to our list: ZiL-130, GAZ-3308 + 2x ZiL-131; whilst too unclear to count - BM-21, 2 furthest ZiL-131, 2x obscured vehicles, a Ural + 5x 82mm 2B9 Vasilek automatic 82 mm mortars.

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441. The AZ Border Service film also shows following destroyed NKR vehicles:
1) Ural-43206,
2) KrAZ dump truck,
3) UAZ-452 van with unclear jeep behind - but can't exclude them already being recorded in aerial strikes,
4) UAZ-452, but for now too burnt to tell from which side.

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https://t.co/ZYhhKBbDDr present the driver in famous clip in 2020 battles. Rebel Abu al-Abbas describes using a lightly armoured ACV-15 to ram a SAA T-72 off the battlefield on 20/02/20 at Nayrab. Recreation already deleted on youtube but 2020 film is here https://t.co/jmWPoerASv

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