Advent || Forseti's Cut 1.2 IS OUT!!!さんのプロフィール画像

Advent || Forseti's Cut 1.2 IS OUT!!!さんのイラストまとめ

RPGs, MLP, Mecha, and Tokusatsu fan.
Playester de FE4 & FE5 en Español.
Co-Lead of FE5 Forseti's Cut.
(He/Him) (ENG/ESP)

フォロー数:6987 フォロワー数:2271

Y ya, solo queria hacerles saber que este proyecto esta muy lejos de esta muerto. Seguimos trabajando en él con todo nuestro empeño, y si ya estan familiarizados con nuestta traducción de Thracia, esperamos alcanzar ese nivel de calidad. ¡Muchas gracias por su paciencia! ❤

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TearRing Saga! A PS1 game made by the creator of the first 5 FE games after he left IntSys, pressumably because he preferred its specs over the N64's.

It's so similar to FE that it caused a lawsuit from Nintendo, and those who have played it just count it as an FE game for fun.

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TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga (TRS for short). Its basically a game made by the director of FE's 1 to 5 after he left IntSys because he preferred the PSX specs to N64, but made the hilarious move of making the game feel and play so similar to FE that Nintendo sued him over it.

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I'm gonna go ahead and do that "Favorite X" Fire Emblem board, but I want to preface it explaining that when you see these two in the 'couple' slots, it ain't for any weird reasons.

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