

Crow // Freelance Digital Artist // They/She // 21+

フォロー数:737 フォロワー数:515



For c:

I need to work with pink more often <3

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Grace & Spirit

I'd love to redraw these soon - I feel like I have an even better understanding of light / shadow. I'd love to do these again <3

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QRT with your first digital art and a recent!

1st one was done in 2011 on some random browser-based paint program ...

10 year difference is kinda hard to wrap my brain around tbh :o doesn't feel that long for some reason... https://t.co/NsKJZK6Pni

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Thanks for the share!

My commission prices and my most recent (posted) piece! :D

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Hi! I'm Crow and I absolutely love fantasy, elves, and doodling pretty ladies!

Thank you for the share! <3

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Sketch ❄️❄️ Final

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