

A lurker in streams and VOD enjoyer. Supporting people when I can. Socially anxious person.
pfp by @it_sumii

フォロー数:1261 フォロワー数:36

Finally got enough shrimpies to have Noot sketch out one of my fav heroes from Hero Academy. Love it and thank you again Noot! Always fun chilling in stream with you.

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Happy belated Birthday Sumii~ Hope you had lots of fun and enjoy it to the fullest. Wishing you the best and another year full of fun! NyaSumii when???

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No face and comfy pink hair Soochi can't hurt me, she doesn't exist. Looks over. Made a small pixel art for the best Bossu around. She mentioned she dyed her hair pink once. So I wanted to remake that into a comfy fit. Turned out nice I think. Hope it makes your day!

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(present 2/2)
I made this when I saw you were feeling down. You are always loved and surrounded with love. Even if people do not show it. This is just from my POV though from where I see you and who you interact with. I wonder if you can guess who is who. The bottom one is twitch

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