Darkbrine (Inactive)さんのプロフィール画像

Darkbrine (Inactive)さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:87 フォロワー数:95

Decided to give some changes to the Galarian forms introduced. Just thought they need some improvements.

- Weezing's smoke and hate were changed.
-Zigzagoon and Linoone got a darker color than white. Better contrasting looks.


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I present to you, The Moo Moo Cinematic Universe, created by .

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>waking up for exam week
>realizing you have 5 exams this day
>dying inside

I don't have school but this is meant to represent the times I did have it. Very harsh exam weeks.

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And that's all I have. I hope this is convincing enough to knock out a character from the runnings who honestly doesn't deserve them. Thank you for coming to the Ted Talks, this is Darkbrine dabbing out.

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So it's time for the Ted Talks by yours truly, Darkbrine here to explain why Jibanyan is NOT getting in Smash Bros. as I want to crush that small group of people's dreams. There is only two points so this is just a short and digestible theory. Let's get the drama started.

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