Alvin Darko Ofori-Brownさんのプロフィール画像

Alvin Darko Ofori-Brownさんのイラストまとめ

London based Artist / Designer / Gamer. Lover of the 80s and vectors

フォロー数:827 フォロワー数:172

CK - It never gets easier, you just go faster

by DarkoDesign

Fun Fact about - They make a new bed/nest almost every night


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Celestial Kingdom - Hip to the Pop!

by DarkoDesign

Fun Fact about - Hippopotamus in Ancient Greek means ‘river horse’


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Celestial Kingdom - A leopard never changes its spots

by DarkoDesign

Fun Fact - Their spots are called rosettes because they look like roses


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Celestial Kingdom - We take our colors, chameleon-like, from each other.

Fun Fact - They can see in both visible and ultraviolet light


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Celestial Kingdom - They feed the crocodile in the hope that he will eat them last

by DarkoDesign

Crocodiles do not have sweat glands


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Celestial Kingdom - Unicorns exist

by DarkoDesign

about Rhinos - Rhinos are one of only three mammals who can't jump


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Celestial Kingdom - Heads or Tails

by DarkoDesign

about Lemurs - The name Lemur is actually Latin for “Spirits of the Night”


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Celestial Kingdom - A frog in a well cannot conceive of the ocean

by DarkoDesign

about Frogs - Frogs absorb water through their skin. No need to drink any


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Celestial Kingdom - Sunshine all the time... makes a desert

by DarkoDesign

about Pandas - Pandas have been a symbol of peace in China for hundreds of years and balance


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