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You will do a lot better sober I can already tell. Good luck Reina you’ve got this

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As long as he keeps his paws on the ground I’m sticking with my boy. I don’t care what his evolution looks like, just as long as he’s not bipedal I’m happy

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Ok I’m in love. I don’t care what the evolutions look like. This is my boy

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I also found this really weird cat. She likes to pretend she’s a dragon or something idk, she’s kinda strange. Just be careful with this one, she might bite I’m not sure

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No I’m not going to be obedient. I’m going to wriggle out if you try and get me. Good luck kidnapping me then ms moon

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Look at you. Getting a full nights sleep and all. All you need to do now is get out of bed and eat a salad. You will be the peak of fitness and wellbeing

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Eat another small cookie nene. You deserve it

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I can’t wait this is going to be awesome

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