

Metal soothes the savage beast...depending, on what you want unleashed.
#metal🤘 #metalheals #poetic #nature 🖤…

フォロー数:5760 フォロワー数:10396

A wolf and a moon
Speak to each other
Their speech silent,
Moving & real..
That wolf greets the moon
Singing songs in the shadows
Eyes locked on the silvery
White orb,
Dangling from the sky
Their communication goes
& each carry a piece,
A splintered shard
For the night

22 66

Harbel Photography

10 49

Listening to our savage breath
Showing the ways of nature
I breathe in their tellings
These are the days..
When truth of ourselves
Comes screaming
Not vanquished or diminshed

Just pure simple wild
Where that takes you..

Photo credit: unknown

24 78

Dance with me..
The moon is the sun

Ph/Mirjana Grasser

28 123

Lentescura deviantart

8 23

Andruhastepanov deviantart

10 29

- Whisper touch -
artemissere deviantart

14 50

dihaze deviantart

10 37