

Artist. Card Game Developer. Plays Sword & Shield in MonHun exclusively. Commissions: dashxero.tumblr.com/commissions Twitch: twitch.tv/DashXero

フォロー数:1222 フォロワー数:3221

Tumblr, baby, what are you doin'?

This is absolutely bonkers. My favorite of these is the third where a sculpt of a dude is flagged (maybe because he's in his underwear in one of the shots?), but they somehow neglected actual tiddy practice!

This is kinda hilarious.

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Character sheets done for a written treatment. I'm beginning to wonder if I should offer Character Design services.

Anyhow, pleasant reminder: Commissions are open and available until 11/30.

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LIGHTNING STRIKES! commissioned this sketch of, well, Dr. Faust.

Commissions are open until 11/30. Don't delay. Hit me up for a commission today.

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BLITZ! Sketch Commissions Open!
ROUND 3: Lightning Reborn.
If interested, shoot me a DM or email.
Commissions open until 11/30/18.
https://t.co/rkkvc9pH97 for details.

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Calculating and methodical. Always carries out his mission. Has moral issues with some of his orders.
Has the ability to replicate carbon-based things and make multiples of himself.
Fun Fact: His real name translates to "Laughing Fox."

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An old writer filled with regret. Outlived everyone he actually cared about. Manages the affairs of the Institute.
Old gunslinger. Steals adjectives and adverbs and applies them to other things/people.
Fun Fact: Still writes to maintain his cover.

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Cares for little outside of the scriptures. Nun returning from pilgrimage. Proudly wears what's left of her robes. Finds herself in fights often.
Wields a boomerang. Install increases her speed and strength.
Fun Fact: Shaves her unibrow. Trained with Dash under Yin Huzhao

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Formerly a high-ranking officer in the Church's private army, she now guards a high-profile religious figurehead. Bored out of her mind.
One eye freezes opponents. The missing eye changes the material of things.
Fun Fact: Youngest Solomon sister. Thinks she's the eldest.

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Royal Assassin (it runs in the family). Interested in maintaining the status quo. Often "the adult in the room." Paints nobles as a means of gathering intelligence.
Harrier. Uses shadows to teleport.
Fun Fact: Married to Orpah. Kinda henpecked.

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Like her sisters, diagnosed as barren. Unlike her sisters, seeks to cure her condition. Goes along with Ursin's plan so she can continue her research.
Worst fighter. Strongest gun. Uses her unique suite of powers to birth abominations or avoid permadeath.

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