

Aktuell auf Twitch unterwegs ! / Grafikdesigner / Künstler / Psychologiestudent / queer & depressed /

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Hello and thanks so much for tweets like this ♥
These are my latest digital paintings (I guess?) and it's never enough attention.

Greetings from germany.

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Ich mache hier mal den Anfang mit ein paar Zeichnungen und Fotografien und Arbeiten als Grafikdesigner.

Letzteres bin ich seit bald einem Jahr in selbstständiger Manier und ich liebe meinen Job. ❤️

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red pandas exist!

A quick morning doodle for procrastionation, I guess. Whoopsie.

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Hi, I'm Sascha and you're threads are highly appreciated. 😊

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Morning of an old and sad man. I really enjoy these oilpainting brushes in I don't even know, where I got them?

Same theme as yesterday. Coping with my emotions. Have fun.

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I'm Sascha and both a traditional and digital artist and also a graphics designer and photographer.

I'm doing...like everything, because I suck at deciding things. 😐

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The last few weeks I've been writing a story about a depressed guy in his mid 30s and it's my way of dealing with my own

Today I just wanted a "quick sketch" of him, sitting alone in his romm. Then I found this oil-brushes in and...well, I painted 3h.

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It's Friday again and it's time. Thank you so much, .

I'm a 24 student in media studies and design and a fresh freelancer in graphics design and photography for quite a year now.

I paint and draw and photograph what ever feels right for me. 💖

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Hello, I'm a pansexual freelancer from germany, doing stuff with art, graphics design and photography.

I'm also available on Instagram at @. dauganor_creatives, where you can sometimes ridiculously watch me as a privat person. 🌈☀️

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Hi, I'm Sascha and I'm a German freelance graphics designer and artist. I also study media studies and psychology and I've no idea what to do with my life. 😴

Also available on Instagram (ves) and a not full finished website https://t.co/jRRCtpzk2a.

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