Andy Daveyさんのプロフィール画像

Andy Daveyさんのイラストまとめ

UK political and social gag cartoonist, painter (@Daveypaintings)...and occasional twerp

フォロー数:2375 フォロワー数:5420

So hasn't had his full attention on the day job. That's not surprising, given the results of his tenure. But I guess it's the "one-rule-fer-me..." thing that grates. Oh, and the but that's a given with this lot. [ 26/6/2021]

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Shapps introduces update on as annoy industry. Says ministers "need to look at what the science says". Well, the science is complicated; vax numbers up, but cases up. How much can take? [ 25/6/21]

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Bit of a dumb panic-sketch for today's Telegraph (Sunday 13/6/21) after a reverse-ferret in deference to poor Christian Eriksen after his on-field collapse; I'd drawn a football cartoon about spat- I'll stick it on here in a bit since the lad's OK.

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So they're all arriving at the for is not being discussed until Sunday - will it simply be a "greenwash" PR photo-call as usual, infected by global commercial interests? HT

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Lovable populist teddy bear likes to please the rabid populist media, so announced "no more" lockdowns or extensions earlier this year. Now rumblings of in jeopardy may mean he has to "amend" his promise. But who cares, eh? [Telegraph 5/6/2021]

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Seems the "follow the science" came out on top from yesterday's traffic light meeting. off. No new countries. Iceland it is, then. in rule-obeying mode. There's a thing. [ 4/6/2021].

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June 21 is "in the balance" if you follow the science but won't be associated with unpopular news. He sees "no evidence" to delay. Great Liberator of the People or shameless megalomaniac narcissist? Hmmm. You decide [Telegraph Sat 29/5/2021]

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Just drew this for on subj. of how to have disagreements. I noticed that I had (subconsciously) drawn the LH vicar's face in the style of Pete Dredge and the other, Giles Pilbrow; two cartoonists I hugely admire. Hope they don't mind. Ah, the subconscious, eh?

10 23

Discord in govt. Gove and Truss fight it out over putative Australian tariff-free trade deal which might add 0.2% to our GDP and...oh yes, ruin Ultimate result: de-regulation (in this case of food production) - what was about, of course. [Telegraph 22/5/21]

9 16

MPs (and most people) don't appreciate of deaths by (29k+) NOW (NOT 1952!) in UK. >> than alcoholism (15-22k), obesity (9k), road accident (<2k). [for ref; smoking + 80k] HT . Get the app for your area

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