//=time() ?>
@Hil67 @CocoonedPenguin @HereBeProof @BrexitGone @BorisJohnson @KimSJ @kmqkatie @Kean1S @VesperUK @JeanneBartram @jneill @abcpoppins @viv_cooper @SheronWilkie @stonesister7 @bbclaurak @Goddess1345 Donald & Boris Gemini twins indeed. I'm Sure EU would like to see the back of both. No-Deal?
Hey, what about yesterday
"What about us"
The heavens are falling down
"What about us"
What about apathy
"What about us"
Drowning in the seas
Earth Song
Michael Jackson
@mindedmusically @The_Leaver @Roblev0 @GammonStake @David19531501 @HaroldHare5 @markgoodair @thegrimbarian @CheeseNBranston @VeuveK @brianbloop2 @Gazza41 @CharlieHicks90 @Ciolfilicious1 @dw2essex @Centrefuter @BonnieBlackmor7 @Begentle50 @SamanthaFoxy1 @FreedomGeoFin @MattAdkin @butlerrichard2 @Edele_Bear @DevauxtV @JohnRya13591294 @afewpoints @cathyby @robertcecil1608 @Charlie_45uk @Jag11814459 @Hammer_doc @Geegana3 @Macid3000 @Jim_Cornelius @resiguru @BeowulfSchaefer @Swen_2017 @DavidGSmith18 @ShaneJa16905901 @tripleGGGx @susan04071 @Chris_not_a_bot @markwh2001 @IrishEurophile @european_kate @Sir_Tom_Tucker @f505eb72b9cd493 @GeoffBarton9 @BTTB001 @chrisgregson123 I don't think you got the post, counties prefer them not to claim asylum, you either have to have a wall, or once they are in your country "they have to be legally processed". Would we stop refugees wishing to cross the Irish border, to be processed there? 🤔
@dw2essex @Roblev0 @HaroldHare5 @TyMillwallRule @David19531501 @markgoodair @thegrimbarian @CheeseNBranston @mindedmusically @The_Leaver @VeuveK @brianbloop2 @Gazza41 @CharlieHicks90 @Ciolfilicious1 @Centrefuter @BonnieBlackmor7 @Begentle50 @SamanthaFoxy1 @FreedomGeoFin @MattAdkin @butlerrichard2 @Edele_Bear @DevauxtV @JohnRya13591294 @afewpoints @cathyby @robertcecil1608 @Charlie_45uk @Jag11814459 @Hammer_doc @Geegana3 @Macid3000 @Jim_Cornelius @resiguru @BeowulfSchaefer @Swen_2017 @DavidGSmith18 @ShaneJa16905901 @tripleGGGx @susan04071 @Chris_not_a_bot @markwh2001 @IrishEurophile @european_kate @Sir_Tom_Tucker @f505eb72b9cd493 @GeoffBarton9 @BTTB001 @chrisgregson123 "Don’t you think that when it is blindingly obvious"
In some cases yes Dan. 😀
@brianbloop2 @IrishEurophile @robertcecil1608 @DevauxtV @Hammer_doc @Gazza41 @Geegana3 @CharlieHicks90 @VeuveK @Macid3000 @Jim_Cornelius @resiguru @BeowulfSchaefer @thegrimbarian @David19531501 @Swen_2017 @cathyby @Ciolfilicious1 @afewpoints @DavidGSmith18 @ShaneJa16905901 @tripleGGGx @susan04071 @Charlie_45uk @Roblev0 @butlerrichard2 @Chris_not_a_bot @Centrefuter @markwh2001 @Jag11814459 @Rudy48053087 @JohnRya13591294 @european_kate @The_Leaver @SamanthaFoxy1 @Begentle50 @Sir_Tom_Tucker @CheeseNBranston @mindedmusically @f505eb72b9cd493 @GeoffBarton9 @BTTB001 @chrisgregson123 @Matt_GS @dw2essex @MattAdkin @GeoffreyKeey @Edele_Bear @EmporersNewC @chris_burns79 "It would be better for Europe if EU crumbled"
Some strange logic going on there Neil
@brianbloop2 @Jim_Cornelius @afewpoints @resiguru @susan04071 @markwh2001 @BeowulfSchaefer @Centrefuter @CharlieHicks90 @Macid3000 @Gazza41 @Jag11814459 @robertcecil1608 @VeuveK @butlerrichard2 @ShaneJa16905901 @David19531501 @Ciolfilicious1 @Swen_2017 @Sir_Tom_Tucker @DonjiaB @thegrimbarian @cathyby @DavidGSmith18 @tripleGGGx @Charlie_45uk @Roblev0 @Geegana3 @Chris_not_a_bot @IrishEurophile @Rudy48053087 @JohnRya13591294 @european_kate @The_Leaver @SamanthaFoxy1 @Begentle50 @Hammer_doc @CheeseNBranston @mindedmusically @f505eb72b9cd493 @GeoffBarton9 @BTTB001 @chrisgregson123 @Matt_GS @dw2essex @MattAdkin @GeoffreyKeey @Edele_Bear @EmporersNewC @chris_burns79 Although we move on and discover new things, fortunately a considerable amount of science works Neil. (How is your Uric acid level, are you still on the juice) 😀
@tripleGGGx @Jim_Cornelius @afewpoints @Geegana3 @brianbloop2 @Roblev0 @VeuveK @Charlie_45uk @butlerrichard2 @Chris_not_a_bot @Centrefuter @markwh2001 @Gazza41 @Jag11814459 @robertcecil1608 @Macid3000 @IrishEurophile @Rudy48053087 @JohnRya13591294 @european_kate @The_Leaver @SamanthaFoxy1 @David19531501 @Begentle50 @DavidGSmith18 @Hammer_doc @Sir_Tom_Tucker @thegrimbarian @Swen_2017 @CheeseNBranston @ShaneJa16905901 @mindedmusically @cathyby @BeowulfSchaefer @f505eb72b9cd493 @GeoffBarton9 @BTTB001 @Ciolfilicious1 @susan04071 @CharlieHicks90 @chrisgregson123 @Matt_GS @dw2essex @MattAdkin @GeoffreyKeey @Edele_Bear @EmporersNewC @resiguru @chris_burns79 @davidjamesrobe4 I think you get a little mixed up at times Gio. 😀
@resiguru @The_Leaver @MattFingersArni @Roblev0 @mindedmusically @Tonster071 @Matt_GS @IrishEurophile @susan04071 @Centrefuter @CheeseNBranston @Begentle50 @tripleGGGx @Gazza41 @CharlieHicks90 @Charlie_45uk @ShaneJa16905901 @chrisgregson123 @european_kate @Jag11814459 @davidjamesrobe4 @dw2essex @DavidGSmith18 @Edele_Bear @brianbloop2 @butlerrichard2 @cathyby @Rudy48053087 @BeowulfSchaefer @JohnRya13591294 @f505eb72b9cd493 @MattAdkin @markwh2001 @transferdicky @kid_alabama @Sir_Tom_Tucker @David19531501 @AndyCarp18 @Smithdsd11 @JOCZECHOWSKA @daftrucker1 @Alex_B1971 @Macid3000 @sharonxmartin @BeakyDruggan @afewpoints @VeuveK @BigBayBear @David_Vaporium @akhenaten2020 I think Parler is Echo point.
@brianbloop2 @The_Leaver @Roblev0 @MattFingersArni @susan04071 @Rudy48053087 @Matt_GS @Begentle50 @Gazza41 @kid_alabama @Macid3000 @AlphaQmega @mindedmusically @Sir_Tom_Tucker @JOCZECHOWSKA @chrisgregson123 @butlerrichard2 @AndyCarp18 @afewpoints @CheeseNBranston @dw2essex @ShaneJa16905901 @f505eb72b9cd493 @Nelep62050 @davidjamesrobe4 @DavidGSmith18 @David19531501 @european_kate @Jag11814459 @Charlie_45uk @Smithdsd11 @markwh2001 @daftrucker1 @Alex_B1971 @MattAdkin @sharonxmartin @Centrefuter @BeakyDruggan @VeuveK @BigBayBear @BeowulfSchaefer @David_Vaporium @akhenaten2020 @AwayFromTheKeys @cathyby @Swen28002 @Ronald_1959 @richdunleave @Swen_2017 @6d7f272b973849c The detail might be, you are really going nowhere. 😀
@dw2essex @brianbloop2 @CharlieHicks90 @BeowulfSchaefer @NielsOckelmann @IanGianni @european_kate @kid_alabama @AlphaQmega @thegrimbarian @VeuveK @Politic89015683 @chrisgregson123 @HaroldHare5 @MattFingersArni @Sir_Tom_Tucker @Rudy48053087 @butlerrichard2 @JohnRya13591294 @The_Leaver @giles2905 @Charlie_45uk @BrexitGone @cathyby @Arbiter4Truth @DavidGSmith18 @AndyCarp18 @obsessedmuch1 @afewpoints @viv_cooper @davidjamesrobe4 @Tonster071 @mindedmusically @rosebudorson @Even_keeled2020 @Jag11814459 @pparker49 @resiguru @f505eb72b9cd493 @Hammer_doc @MattAdkin @Edele_Bear @CharithRuckmal @Ciolfilicious1 @Begentle50 @BonnieBlackmor7 @RabMacPhoto @Chris_not_a_bot @robertclose8 @Smithdsd11 People can't Dan 😀 Or you some mad things happening, "direct democracy" comes up with some mad solutions.
@Macid3000 @kid_alabama @Rudy48053087 @AndyCarp18 @ShaneJa16905901 @f505eb72b9cd493 @MattFingersArni @Nelep62050 @susan04071 @Begentle50 @afewpoints @davidjamesrobe4 @DavidGSmith18 @CheeseNBranston @David19531501 @dw2essex @european_kate @Jag11814459 @Matt_GS @butlerrichard2 @Charlie_45uk @Smithdsd11 @markwh2001 @JOCZECHOWSKA @daftrucker1 @Alex_B1971 @MattAdkin @chrisgregson123 @sharonxmartin @Centrefuter @Gazza41 @Roblev0 @BeakyDruggan @VeuveK @BigBayBear @BeowulfSchaefer @David_Vaporium @akhenaten2020 @mindedmusically @AwayFromTheKeys @cathyby @Sir_Tom_Tucker @brianbloop2 @Swen28002 @Ronald_1959 @richdunleave @Swen_2017 @6d7f272b973849c @resiguru @BrianWi62063896 Problem is that much history is fake, hero's created out of slave traders & killers. Most geared at making people patriots, much of history has big question marks. Much geared at dividing groups into good guys & bad guys, which children have acted out for generations.