

I like fat anime girls

Links: linktr.ee/davielwfries

フォロー数:1859 フォロワー数:8423

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Just a few months back I started drawing and join this community, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone and its been fun but more things will come next year, have a wonderful start of 2022. See you soon!!!

Also my first and one recent drawing

32 174

It seems like someone eat a bit too much...

Commission of Freudia Neuwahl from Rosenkreuzstilette

53 258

A very happy fat cat.

Commission for

37 184

Sooo yeah, this is my oficial profile pic now!

0 17



For the BIG FINALE! Mio and Ayame manage to cover everything!
Big thanks to
And what is next? well i will draw a member of HoloX, and after that there will be a poll and the winner will be drawn in christmas theme, then comms again! see you soon!

34 161

Mio's softening - part 7

And Mio finally catches up to Ayame, i wonder how big they will get together...

Commission for

30 137



Mio's softening - part 4

Mama Mio watching over the earth? I hope she is not hungry....

Commission for

27 146

Mio's softening - part 3

Oh no a huge Mio is approaching, better run...or maybe....

Commission for

34 160