

28 | he/him | 🔞only | 💚💚BF @dorkstream💚💚 ko-fi.com/dawnygoi

フォロー数:318 フォロワー数:383

i can't stop thinking about castlevania and soma cruz is my bf

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new guy his name is Raum and he's uh Big Boy 🌶️

5 23

they're both such cutie boys,, I couldn't choose

6 31

been thingking about my mime boy simon again,,,

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I Am In Love............

0 4

some doodles of big boy augsustus from the other day
he head still pops off

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ceeby's got her fps (first person sippy)

1 4

niffy made a candle demon named Lebaoth to go with mine and he's hansom and STINKY and I love him

3 4

makes every new pic I draw of goi my new icon on everything

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