gorch portleyさんのプロフィール画像

gorch portleyさんのイラストまとめ

30s | She/They | Video Games | Anime/Manga | Cute Animals | draws art @BatShroom

フォロー数:855 フォロワー数:273

When it has a quarter or so health remaining it goes super aggro, glowing red, causes a huge explosion and is utterly terrifying! Bloodbath diablos lives up to its name.

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WOW 13 days to go on the 13th and officially less than 2 weeks. My favorite map to fight on? The Deserted Island from Tri/3U! I loved the underwater areas and for a starting area it was very fun to explore. I'll never forget how lagi terrified me for the first time here.

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Sure I have an asshole fox girl if you like.

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I meant to go back to sleep but now I'm just in shock.

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If you see this, quote RT your art and tag your peeps

I haven't drawn much but it's all beautiful gays girls I love 🌈

I can't remember all my art friends but I'll call u out https://t.co/UdC5JpDbTU

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Imagine a large scale monster hunter stories sequel with the production and care of both the original and Riders for character designs but with a grander story you can just feel they want to make. It could be damn amazing. Please don't let stories die with riders.

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I forgot to post some cute beat up girls. So here they are!!

Rós (left) is ‘s uwu

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HEWWO please stop briefly to admire my beautiful daughter Iris who I got done by !! 🥰 thank you 🐉🐉🐉

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wooper is perfect in every way

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Lenka and Rós are also a pointy tooth pair. Bites, maybe, ,

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